Tuesday, 19 February 2008

A Community That Cares

f) In liaison with administration, shall organize visits and benevolent assistance to the members of the Association.
g) Be responsible for all social welfare services affecting the student body.
By the grace and enablement of God, I will seek to work tirelessly to ensure every community member receives the support they require to meet their needs. This includes liaising with administration and the student council to provide material support, and also mobilising the student council and community to provide support for those in need through prayer and visitation. Many of you may be asking “ But, how can she expect to be there for us, when she doesn’t live on campus?” I have had the privilege of living about 200 meters outside the NEGST gate for almost all of my life. This means that when I first joined the campus, considering the tight competition for housing, I did not see the need to take up a place in campus student housing, which I believed would be better reserved for students coming from distant locations. I pledge to offer myself through the ministry of presence nonetheless, as I am here every week day from 8am to approximately 9pm at night(…and most Saturdays too…though my hours then are a lot more flexible). Also, considering the close proximity of my house to the campus (it is right next to the Karen bible school), I am but 4 minutes away by car, 8 minutes by bike, and a 15 minute walk away…also I am available on both the better option and tuendelee kuongea :).


Anonymous said...

Njeri, this is a splendid vision. You are broad, deep and fresh in your vision. May this invigorate our community. My vote and more is behind this vision.